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Un endroit connu et reconnu pour la qualité de la pêche au doré et au grand brochet du Nord. Situé sur le Réservoir Gouin. Un rêve, une réalité!

Forfait - Chasse à l'ours


1 semaine

Plan Américain : 1 750,00 $ par personne, épluchage inclus

Inclus : Service de guide, chalet, bateau / moteur, et site appâté

Bear hunters who want to experience the ultimate bear hunt, can find it at pourvoirie outfitters Nemio. With more than twenty baited stands, harvesting a trophy size black bear is all but guaranteed. This secluded area is teeming with bruins that move through and around the baited stands from dawn to dusk. The decision a hunter must make is not whether he or she will harvest a bear, but, what bear they should harvest.

Making this decision will be based on the level of excitement experienced during the delightful time spent on stand. With numerous bears presenting themselves throughout the day, it will be hard to make a choice. Patience will be a virtue as you size up the bruins in front of you. This choice will be made easier after advice offered freely by the expert Nemio outfitters staff. They will provide all the assistance necessary to make that all important decision and ensure your hunt is one of the most memorable ever.

To ensure hunters have the optimum amount of time to hunt, Nemio staff will transport you to and from your stand for the morning, afternoon and evening hunts prior to returning you to your warm, comfortable cabin after the hunting day is through. Upon harvesting the bear of your choice, the Nemio staff will retrieve it, assist you in skinning it, or skin it for you for a nominal fee. Thereafter the skin and meat will be prepared for transport upon your departure.


Pourvoirie Némio, réservoir Gouin, embouchure de la baie de l'est et de la baie du nord. Établissement # 850148
Mise à jour par Selectrum Communications